Industrial Dairy

Industrial Dairy

Dairy industries are more connected to the food or hotel industry. They contain a common Flore of the micro-organisms, causing contaminations and serious loss of business. Normally Sanitation starts from the milking parlor and the dispensing utensils used. Milk dairies also exihibit an odour due to the stagnation of milk substance to the vessels and pipelines. Dairy parlors, or distributors carry sterile milk, but in-case of contamination due to improper cleaning the entire contents has to be disposed. Contaminations can be microbes and degrading proteins. A variety of chemical based cleaners are generally used to clean the atensils and the milk dispensing vans.

FIKI comes into role or action as an alternative to this chemical based cleaner. FIKI Offer specific or targeted enzyme based cleaning action. These sanitation solutions are completely organic and cost effective. The products focus on nullifying the odor of the milk and also degreased the milk proteins in all organic way. The products that focus mainly for dairy industries are as follows.

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